Day 17
Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Plans/dreams/goals you have
- I want my relationship with God to grow
- My relationships with my husband and family to be indestructable
- I want people in my life to know that I love them and how much they mean to me
- I want the people who came to our wedding to know how thankful I am (I am still in awe that all of you came from all over the country just for us and I think about all of you often!)
- I want to learn to think before I speak (yikes)
- I want to find my purpose in life and perfect it to God's expectations
- I want to make a difference in the smallest ways
- I want CAL to grow into a God fearing, loving, smart, athletic young man that always loves his GiGi (that last thing is key! :D)
- I want to have children when the time is right and raise them to be strong, independant, Lord loving, family people
- I would love to be an athletic director one day
Nicknames you have; why do you have
I have a few nicknames...Carebear, CarrieBear, Carrie Louise or Louise, and Scary or Scary Carrie.
My mom has always called me Carebear and my grandfather has always called me CarrieBear...I guess it was just fate that I would marry Baehr and I would officially turn into Carrie Baehr. :)
I didn't have a middle name until I got married and made my maiden name my middle name so my college friend Jill gave me the name Carrie Louise. Most the time she just calls me Louise and I won't lie....I LOVE IT! :)
My sister calls me Scary or Scary Carrie...not really sure why. I am sure it's a sister thing because I have PLENTY of names for Courtney.
That's it for Days 17, 18, and 19! Until tomorrow...keep watching those Olympics! :)
yay I am so glad you are officially Carrie BEAR