Thursday, March 28, 2013

Social Media...

Several times over the last few weeks I have written posts for the blog and then deleted them.  I write these memories or moments and then I decide...I want that to be mine.  People comment (in person) all the time... Cal is so funny or I love seeing your family pictures... It leaves you speechless because then, what do you REALLY have to talk about?  And let's be honest, it's a little awkward to know that someone looks in your Facebook window more often than you think.  :)

In a world of "social media" I find that I do less socializing and more reading what people decide to post in media.  I know what someone ate for dinner, when someone went on a date, a cute saying someone found, when vacations are, when people got flowers for no reason, and I have watched children grow from birth to 3, 4, and 5 years of age on Facebook, but I don't really "know" the majority of the 254 "friends".

Anyways, a few weeks ago I saw that someone posted something about "only "liking" people's statuses.  It's so true.  I have gotten in the terrible habit of just liking someone's status and moving on to the next person.  I have decided in April if I like a status, picture, or post I am also going to comment on it.  Even if it's just one word.  Comments and likes are like snail mail to e-mail... snail mail feels more special.  :) 

So beware!  I am going to be the comment queen coming soon, and I want to challenge you to be comment kings and queens as well.  Make a point to reach out and right a short note... It will only take 10 seconds longer than a like and will probably make your "friend" smile.  :)

As kid president would say.... "Be More Awesome!"

Happy early Easter!

Friday, March 8, 2013


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Friday, March 1, 2013

Need A Pep Talk?!

It's track season again!  Actually, it's been track season for over a month now so we are at about the midpoint of the season.  Last year we finished way above my expectations...

Here is last year's blog about The Last Track Meet of 2012

...and I have to say we are off to a much better start this year.  I don't know if it's because it is a different group of kids or because I have a little more patience with my old age!  haha  Either way, things are going well.  We still have some knuckle head boys (can they help it in middle school?), but overall the team as a whole has seen improvements throughout the last few weeks.  

Mom sent an e-mail last night reminding them of track practice and that it was going to be cold so I took a moment to reply all and send them a note about checking their times again the rest of the nation.  If you didn't know, this generation is not one of "do it yourself".  I have been telling them for the last few weeks, "Check the website, see where your times are, see where you need to be, etc", but every time I asked, no one had checked.  So last night my note to them included the link (No excuse now!), and at the bottom of the e-mail I posted a quote from Babe Ruth...

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

...and I have been thinking about it ever since.  There are so many things going on in the world, our country, and our community right now and I think...have I checked on where I stand?  Do I stand for what is right and lead by example?  Where do I need improvement and how I can improve those around me?  How can I make a difference in a world that sometimes seems dark and dreary? 

So in case you need a "Pep Talk" (and even if you didn't) to help us all stand up and make the world a better place... Watch this.  It's sure to make your day better, and maybe, just maybe, we can all make a difference....together.

Here's to making 2013 an #awesomeyear, making a difference (big or little), and being a light!  :) 

Love from The Baehr Block!