Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 20...of 30...The Boy...

Day 20
Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Well, there's this boy... :)  His name is Baehr and I guess he might be in my future...

We met at a friend's house in 2005, started officially dating in 2006, and married in 2009.   I don't like to write about Baehr because I like to keep him (and the details of OUR life) to myself!  :)  It's like my own little special world and I don't like people in it... haha!  I'm weird...I know!

Anyways, for this blog I guess I can divulge of few things...

Baehr is the best part of my day.  I miss him terribly if I work late, go on trips without him, or just have errands to run.  He makes me feel like the only person in the room, he loves me for me, and he makes me laugh...I mean REALLY laugh.  On top of all that, my dad likes him!  Can you beat that???  :D  He's pretty much my favorite person in the whole world, my best friend, and MY HUSBAND!  (It took me two years to get used to that word, but now I like it.)  I love that he just fits with my family and all is right with the world when we are all together.  Basically, what it comes down to is...he's pretty cool and I love that he picked me.  ;)

So that's a little glimpse into my special (awesome) world and the boy who lives in it.  :)

I hope you are all having an awesome Sunday full of Sports on your TV! 


Carrie Baehr

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 17, 18, and 19...

Day 17
Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

This is so funny!  Last night I told Baehr I could never been a princess because I would never be as poised during the Opening Ceremonies like Kate Middleton was.  I would be dancing and singing and basically acting like I do at a Texans game!  haha  And this morning in the shower I was thinking...I wonder what it would be like to spend a day/week/month with Kate Middleton.  Does she get to go to the Olympic sports she chooses?  Does she get to hug her grandmother in law or does she have to treat her like the queen?  What does she call her?  So my answer to Day 17 is Kate Middleton.  I would rather hang out with her than be her but whatever... :)
Day 18
Plans/dreams/goals you have

Oh my goodness...where do I begin on this one? 
  • I want my relationship with God to grow
  • My relationships with my husband and family to be indestructable
  • I want people in my life to know that I love them and how much they mean to me
  • I want the people who came to our wedding to know how thankful I am (I am still in awe that all of you came from all over the country just for us and I think about all of you often!)
  • I want to learn to think before I speak (yikes)
  • I want to find my purpose in life and perfect it to God's expectations
  • I want to make a difference in the smallest ways
  • I want CAL to grow into a God fearing, loving, smart, athletic young man that always loves his GiGi (that last thing is key!  :D)
  • I want to have children when the time is right and raise them to be strong, independant, Lord loving, family people
  • I would love to be an athletic director one day
I think that's a good start.  :)  

Nicknames you have; why do you have them

I have a few nicknames...Carebear, CarrieBear, Carrie Louise or Louise, and Scary or Scary Carrie.

My mom has always called me Carebear and my grandfather has always called me CarrieBear...I guess it was just fate that I would marry Baehr and I would officially turn into Carrie Baehr.  :)

I didn't have a middle name until I got married and made my maiden name my middle name so my college friend Jill gave me the name Carrie Louise.  Most the time she just calls me Louise and I won't lie....I LOVE IT!  :)  

My sister calls me Scary or Scary Carrie...not really sure why.  I am sure it's a sister thing because I have PLENTY of names for Courtney.   

That's it for Days 17, 18, and 19!  Until tomorrow...keep watching those Olympics!  :)


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 14,15, and 16... of 30...

Day 14 ...  A Picture of Me and My Family ...

On Court's Birthday
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

I put my IPhone on shuffle and here is what I got...

1.  Everlasting Light by The Black Keys
2.  Children of the Light (Live) by Hillsong
3.  Let My Tears Be Still by the Josh Abbott Band
4.  Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band
5.  Not Over You by Gavin Degraw
6.  White Flag by Passion feat Chris Tomlin
7.  Heaven by Emeli Sande
8.  Where I Belong by Building 429
9.  Homesick by Mercy Me
10.  Someone Like You by Adele

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

Reppin' the JeanEric with my sister

Follow up to Day 13...TRUST!

Several of you read Day 13....And several of you left sweet comments, texts, or called to insure me that it would all get better or that it was going to be ok.  I started thinking last night after one of my best friends called that I should do a follow up to that post.  

The back story to my letter...

Remember my 30 day devotional?  Well, this whole situation started on Day 1 of my devotional.  Shortly after writing my Day 1 follow up, the devil must have sensed I was trying to start down the right path!  He proceeded to send me a mountain and used a person from my inner circle to be that mountain.  And if you know me that circle is pretty small.  That would definitely knock me off the path...right?

On Day 3, I wrote:

"Boy, did I need this today!  

Like always I read this devotional several times throughout the day, but its meaning came to me on the way home.  My eyes were immediately opened to being "honest ... about my doubts, questions or the things I don't understand", and my prayers are / were revamped.  I didn't have a Dear God, Thank you, Amen prayer today, but an actual conversation.  LIFE CHANGING!

I am so excited to see the changes in my life in just 3 days!  I wonder where I will be on day 31?! :)"
I had a conversation with God about this situation.  "Lord, what do I do?  Is this person supposed to be in my life?  I know I may not like the answer, but I am ready."  I never thought (doubting...ugh) I would get the answer two days later.  Day 5 devotional:

"Day 5: I am full of faith for what God can do today. I accept His goodness in my life. God's favor and blessings are exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all I could ask or imagine. He is faithful to meet my needs, and to help me meet the needs of others. I release my faith and receive a new wave of His goodness."

The things that happened on Day 5 could have only been God sent.  Just the way things started at 7:30 am that couldn't have prepared for or foreseen.  I knew immediately that he was answering my prayer from Wednesday, and it was my job to accept the answer.  I won't lie....Day 6, Day 7, and Day 8 were the hardest days during that time, but reading my devotionals... the Lord was there working.  I used to tell my sister that I was like a little kid when praying at night...."I know God.  I asked and you answered.  But I don't wanna!" (haha)  But all I could do/can do is trust in him!

On Day 9....

"Day 9: I am blessed with the unlimited, immeasurable surpassing greatness of God's favor. He is my provider, and His supply never runs dry. When it doesn't look like there's a way, God can make a way. His blessings are like dynamite, exploding at just the right time, propelling me to a whole new level."

God's way isn't the easy way, but you must trust in him because he has greater things for you. You may have to go through the valley to get there, but the other side is better than the life you had before.  

On the way to lunch today, I heard this song...You Lead by Jamie Grace.  It's perfect for this post, and everything I learned from this situation.  

So to everyone who expressed concern for me... Thank you!  But the Lord is leading me and I am following and because of that...I am more than ok!  :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 13 ... of 30....THE WORST!

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

To whom this may concern...

I have often thought about what I would do if I saw you.  If you were in front of me right now, I think I would hug you and tell you I love you.  We would have a good cry and talk for hours, but then again I don't know what you would say or do in that situation.  

There are days that I want to send you a text or call you or anything just to let you know I am thinking about you.  I miss you in my life and I think that is the hardest part about this.  

I miss our talks, our Skype calls, our Chili's lunches and dinners.  I looked through our wedding pictures the other day and there you were.  There we were.  Smiling and hugging like nothing could have separated us.  I wanted to call you then, but I can't because there is so much more to be said than...I miss you.  At the end of the day, regardless of how much I miss you or love you there are still words that need to be said that you don't want to hear. 

I forgave you months ago, but I also realized I can't have you back in my life because along with you comes the baggage of other people that I am not prepared to deal with.  That honestly, I don't know that I will ever want to deal with.

So to whom this may concern... 

Thank you for the time we had together and the memories you helped me make.  I hope you know that you are always close to my heart, on my mind, and that I hold no hard feelings for you.  I hope you find the happiness and love that you have been looking for and don't settle for something less than you deserve.  Always look up and know that God is just a prayer away, and that if life sends an emergency I am just a phone call away.  I love you to whom this may concern, but I have to let you go for now.  


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 12 of 30...

Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you made one

I found out about blogging through my cousin, Lindsey.  Lindsey used to scrapbook during college, and when she got married and started her family she couldn't find the time to sit down and created pages for each memory so she started her blog.  Louisiana Livin' is a way for her to "collect" her memories, and at the end of each year she prints her blog out into hardback books.  It's so neat!

Anyways, she kept saying I should start my own blog and I finally gave in.  2012 year was year for change so here we are... :) 

I wanted The Baehr Block to be more than just our lives, but also a reflection of how God has been and continues to bless us.  The Baehr Block turned into much more than that for me.  It is a way for me to free my brain of the "words" that collect there.  Through writing I have had several A-HA moments, and it has also helped steer my relationship with Christ in a more centered direction. 

So thank you Lindsey for making me open the blogging door and venture into the unknown. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Days 9, 10, and 11...OF 30!

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

I am proud that I ran today.  :)  Another short term goal as well...

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad 
  • When I am happy I listen to Eric Hutchinson. 
  • When I am sad I listen to Adele.
  • When I am Bored I listen to the Colbie Caillat Pandora Station.
  • When I am Hyped I listen to my YEAH! mix of Rihanna, T Pain, PDid, Ying Yang Twins, etc (Don't judge!)
  • When I am Mad I listen to Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood.
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
College friends for life... Thanksgiving 2009

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 8 of 30...

A Short Term Goal For This Month and Why...

I have several short term goals for myself this month, but one that I have been putting off for almost a year is DECORATE THIS HOUSE!  :) 

When Baehr and I go shopping (which is very rare) we find stuff we like, but fail to commit to it and walk out of almost every store with nothing.  So I will purchase at least one piece of art, one decorative statue/pottery, and a table runner in the next month. 

But now I am off to mow to lawn so HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY!

Love from The Baehr Block....

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 7 of 30...

Day #7 is A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you ...

I have already written a blog about this person and in case you didn't read it the first time...
Here it is...

MY MOMMY! <===  Click here!  :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 4, 5, & 6...

So I am going to speed up this process a little bit!  :)  I get anxious to do the next days so I will just do 3 in 1 this time.

Day 4 is "A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have".

I am lazy.  It's true.  When I was younger I always said, "When I grow up, I am just going to lay around and do nothing."  haha  And that's what I do.  Instead of making things happen in my life list or sticking to my goals...I lay around and do nothing.  It's a serious problem, but I am changing my ways.  I caught part of Joel Osteen on Sunday and he said "Just take it one day at a time..."  And so that's what I am doing.  Taking it one step at a time.  So good!  We'll see if it sticks!  :)

Day 5 is "A Picture of Somewhere You've Been".

I chose Aruba because it was my first time out of the great US of A.  It was also our honeymoon trip!  :)   The water is crystal clear, the sand is white, and the FOOD IS DELICIOUS!  We had so much fun and I cannot wait to go back. 

AND Day 6 is "Your Favorite Super Hero and Why?"

I have never really liked superhero movies or superheros period.  I'm just not big into the imaginary world of whatever...hogwarts, vampire land, or transformers.  BUT somehow I caught Iron Man and really liked it.  We actually just watched Iron Man 2 last week, and it was good.  So I will go with Iron Man as my favorite super hero, and it's because it seems like making a suit that can fly and shoot stuff would be more reasonable than a man that shoots spiderwebs from his hands.  hahaha

Here is Day 4, 5, and 6!  Hope you are having a great Friday!  :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 3 of 30 Days of Me...

The only one missing is Tanishka.  :)  Friends for a lifetime!
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

I did a pretty good job picking my bridesmaids I think.  :)  The only person missing from this picture is Tanishka.   I love all these girls.  They are the good ones.  We may not talk every day or even every month, but I know I can call them and talk about anything!  We have so much fun together.  

So to my friends, thank you for all you do and all you have done.  For your laughs and cries, for being with me in college, out on the town, and on my wedding day.  You have opened my eyes to new things and kept me grounded.  Thank you for being more like family than a friend!  Love you all!

When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.

You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.

We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.

Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Trip to Nacogdoches...

When I was growing up, Shreveport was the place to be.  We spend every holiday there, and several weeks there in the summer.  It was where my mom's mom, sister, and brother lived.  I loved it.  When Granny got sick, we would make the 4 our trip there almost every weekend and instead of Shreveport being a place to visit, it felt more like home.  We spent countless hours hanging out with our cousins, Lindsey and Michael.  Every meal was spent with the family and it made our bond that much closer. 

Since that time, Granny and my Uncle Chris have passed away and our visits are few and far between, but when we do get together it's like coming home!  I love it.  I love our laughs and our stories, our hugs and our tears, I just love us. 

One of our previous trips to Nacogdoches
On Wednesday or Thursday, Lindsey and I received an e-mail from my mom's cousin, Phyllis.  She was letting us know that Grump (my mom's dad) had an episode and wanted to make sure we were all informed.  During those conversations with Phyllis, Lindsey and I started our own conversation..."We need to meet for lunch sometime since we missed the May Birthday visit."  (Mom's Birthday, Aunt Lauri's Birthday, and Uncle Mike's Birthday are days apart in May.)  Lindsey sent me a few dates and one of them was this past Sunday.  I sent e-mails and texts to my family to make sure all was good, and then we decided for Sunday at noon in Nacogdoches.  Jalepeno Tree was the Restaurant of choice. 

At Jalapeno Tree (Dad is taking the picture)
It's really fun to look at our group pictures over the years.  In the 2nd picture I posted, Lindsey is pregnant with Bennett, and now look how big CAL and Bennett are!  Goodness!We had a great time, and we definitely need to do this more often.  Here are a few more pics before I go...

Dad and Henry...
CAL and Lindsey...
Hopefully we will make it to Henry's 1st Birthday in August!  :)  Hope you all have a awesome week, and take time to get together with your families! 

Love from the Baehr Block!

Day 2 of 30 Days of Me...

Day 02- The meaning behind your blog/site/user name

Well, when I started this blog it was called "The Baehr Life".  My very first post was all about why I called it that.  You can read it here:

I changed the name a few months ago because my mom, sister, and I have this app called PATH.  It's basically a lower key version of facebook and it lets you check in where ever you are.  Since it was just the three of us, I felt comfortable checking in where I was and when I was home I would check in at "The Baehr Block" or "The Baehr Gym" when I was working out.  haha  One day I went to change my theme and my saying just worked... "Summertime on The Baehr Block" or "Celebrate July with Us on The Baehr Block" so I have just stayed with it.  I love it!  :)  Maybe one day I will have a "Baehr Block Party" with all my friends on my blog!  :)

Hope you are having a great Wednesday!

Day 1 of 30 Days of Me...

Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

From Friday Night Bowling for Courtney's Birthday...
Fact #1... I hate odd numbers.  For example:  If the A/C needs to be turned up or down it is always in 2's so that it is always an even number.  I was also very worried our house would be an odd number!  It's not!  Yahooo!  :)

Fact #2... I played college volleyball for 1 year, but was recruited to run track.

Fact #3... I didn't have a middle name until I got married when I made my maiden name my middle name.

Fact #4... I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 25 years old, but I got my belly button pierced at 19.  (Yes, my mother wanted to kill me!)

Fact #5... I am older than my husband by 2 months and some.

Fact #6... I love to listen to KSBJ (Christian Station here in Houston) all year with the exception of Thanksgiving to Christmas when all they play is Christmas music.  UGH!

Fact #7... I have never broken a bone.

Fact #8... I HATE ONIONS! 

Fact #9... I used to love Roller Coasters, but now I get extremely motion sick.

Fact #10... When I was in 6th grade I went on a 10 day train trip with my grandmother.

Fact #11... I have gone to private school my whole life.

Fact #12... I hate needles.  Last year I had to get blood drawn and my mom had to go with me because that's how much I hate needles.  In fact, just talking about them makes my arms throb....yuck!

Fact #13... When I was in 3rd grade, I ran into a boy while playing a game in PE.  I had a black eye and couldn't open my eye for 2 weeks.  Side Note:  My mother (as my PE teacher) told me to go get some water and come back to class.  hahaha!  Thanks MOM!

Fact #14... Sometimes...I talk to myself and other things.  I was cleaning out my closet one day and my sister walked in on me saying "Hey hat!  Hey glove!" as I pulled my winter stuff out of a bag.  Apparently I get this from my mom because Courtney caught her doing the same thing the other day.  haha!  :)

Fact #15... In my old age I get migraine heaaches.  They are awful! 

Check out my cousins DAY 1!  I am so excited she is doing it with me!  :)

Until tomorrow!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Challenges...or Something Fun!

I just happened to find this blog while googling something, and thought...well, isn't this blog so cute!  :)  On the top of her page she has a tab called "challenges", I had to click on it, and I found this!  
This is going to be fun!  Are you ready to get to know me on the 30 day level?  Are you?? Here is an overview of the information I will be posting each day.  :)  Here we go...

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog/site/user name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Courtney and I are a little over 3 years apart.  She's the "little sister" with the "big sister" attitude.  She's the Class President and I am the Athlete.  She is the mature one and I am the ... well... more fun one!  (hahaha)  She listens and I talk .  We used to fight like it was World War 2, but in the last few years we've grown together through our loss and pain and I love her more today than I ever have.  

This post is for her because my little sister turned 28 yesterday.  

My little sister is now one of my very best friends.  She is the mother of my favorite 8 year old boy.  She works so hard to support herself and CAL, to make the right decisions as a single parent, and to help those around her.  She worships the Lord, is a great example, and is a daughter, sister, and mom all at the same time.  Regardless of where she is or what she is doing she always makes time to listen to me.  She loves me despite my flaws, and she allows me to think "it's all about me".  :)  She is my twin at heart and understands what I am thinking before I think it.  She can make me laugh histerically when I want to break down and cry.  She is kind and caring and strong.  She loves with her whole heart and is loyal to the end.  She speaks her mind and protects you no matter what.  She's MY sister and I love everything about her.  She is growing into this amazing person and I am so lucky to have her.  So happy Birthday Snorty!  I love you to the moontops and cannot wait to see what this year brings you!
My Sister,
 You may be the younger one
 But you’re wise beyond your years
 When I look to you, I look up
 And I admire what I see
 A sister; a friend
 So full of love, so full of strength

You often thank me for my support
 What you don’t see
 Is that if it weren’t for you
 I would not be me

I love you, my sister
 More than I could ever describe
 And I’m thankful everyday
 That you’re in my life

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Soul Pancake...Questions of Life...

I know, I know...Soul Pancake?  Really?  Well, it's actually a website that was started by Rainn Wilson.  You know, DWIGHT from The Office. 

So let's back up and start from the beginning.  In usual fashion I have DVR'ed something on OWN.  Super Soul Sunday is a really cool show where Oprah interviews celebrities about their spirituality.  At this point in my religious journey I am always look for new thoughts or ideas that make me look at things in a different way.  Anyways, enough about me.  :)  This week Rainn Wilson was on and was talking about Soul Pancake.  Basically the point of Soul Pancake is for people from all over the world to be able to come together and ask basic but interesting questions.  Oprah asked him to bring several of the questions from the website to the interview and share them.  These are the ones he shared.

What do you miss most about being 5 years old?
I don't remember a lot about my childhood (weird, I know), but I really want my  sister to answer this because she remembers EVERYTHING!

What is the purpose for our lives?
I am praying about this.  It's actually my devotional for the month.  What is my purpose?

What do you find calm in a chaotic world?
Talking to my mom.  Home.  My bed.  My closet (Yes, I'm weird!). 

What absolutely delights you?
My family.  Random phone calls from friends.  Random cards.  Our parties.  Just because presents.  Good music.

What do you know for sure?
I know that God will always, ALWAYS be there for me...prayer is my path.  I know that I will always be able to go home to LemmAcres.  I know that my family will always love me and be there for me. 

And last but not least....
If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
I would ask God why he took Granny away from us when he did. 

I thought these were so good.  These are questions you don't ever really think about, and really make you THINK.  The other part of the show he shared some really interesting insight on what he thinks about spirituality.  I took a few notes and these are the two things that really stand out to me...

“We have a potential to not be the nation of people trying to acquire stuff and fame. We could be a nation of service.” - Rainn Wilson
I LOVE this!!  A nation of service!  "For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building." 1 Corinthians 3:9

No matter our culture, belief in politics, status in society, or location in the world; we are all connected by our spirituality.  When I wrote this I remember thinking "Let your light shine".  We are connected by our light within.  All of us! 

I hope you all check out!  I think it will be an interesting site even if it is just a one time visit.  I also hope you take a chance and answer some of these questions.  And as a side note, the journal I was writing all my notes in has quotes on each page and I thought this was a perfect way to end this post...

"Every person ever created is so special that their presence in the world makes it richer and fuller and more wonderful than it could ever have been without them."

Sunday, July 8, 2012

10 things... Part 2

Welcome BACK!  :)  Here are my top 5 things that I love...

Number 5...

Our Joyelle pictures!  This is our first set of Joyelle pictures that we took the week before Christmas 2011.  I love Joyelle and she always turns us into the most photogenic group of people...even at 8 am!  I am so glad I made my family get together for these, and have started the picture tradition.  Shhhh....don't tell them!  :)  I love pictures, and I especially love to fill our home with pictures of the ones I love! 
Number 4...

Our wedding pictures!  This is one of my very favorites.  This is on our entry table as you walk in the door.  I love being able to see it before I leave for work and when I get home every day.  A reminder that home is where ever this boy is.  :)

Number 3...

The Bible my mom got me.  It stays in my car at all times.  I am pretty sure it and a angel pin I got protect me at all times.  I love it!  (I more than love it, but right now love will just have to do.)  :)

Number 2... And Number 1...

Can you guess which one is which?  I can't either.  Honestly, both of theses pieces of jewelry (I count my engagement/wedding as one) mean so much to me.  One is the connection to my past and everything I have loved for so, and the other is my now and my future.  I love them both, and don't go anywhere without either of them.  LOVE!

Well, that's my top 10...I think you should do a top 10 on your facebook or twitter or blog.  I know how hard it was for me to think of 10 things that I love, but I hope that it always remains that way.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.   For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

Remember it's about the people  in your life, not the things! 

We hope you had a great weekend!  
B & C

Saturday, July 7, 2012

10 things.... Part 1 of 2...

I was watching Bravo the other day and they were doing a show on "The 10 Things I Love..." with a few of the stars from their shows (Jonathan Adler and Kyle Richards).  They did things that were in their houses, so I thought "What are the 10 things I love outside of people?", and I had a hard time thinking of stuff.  I mean LOVE is a serious word so making me think of material things that I LOVE should make this post a little more interesting (random) for all of us!  :)  I am only doing numbers 10 down to 6 in this post to keep the length down so here we go!

Number 10...

Our house!  I love that we are the only people who have lived there, that we picked the plan, and the flooring, and the color on the walls, etc, etc, etc.  I love everything about it, but mainly the fact that it's ours and it's home!  I LOVE IT!  :)

Number 9...

My new camera....and I don't even really know how to use it yet.  haha  I love that it does fancy things I don't even know about, and that I am pretty sure I am a photog at heart but fail miserable at taking photog quality pictures.   I love it anyways!  Get ready for the next event people!

Number 8...

My shoes...these in particular.  I am obsessed with shoes...ALL SHOES!  If it were up to me I would have a closet full of shoes that I don't even wear just to make myself feel better!  :)  Oh wait...I already do!  :)  Almost all the shoes that I own I have walked away from thinking "I don't need these" but have always come back to buy or obsession?!?!  What's the difference?  hahaha! 

Number 7... 

Cards.  I love  ALL the cards I get, but I especially love the ones from my mom and Baehr.    They almost always make me cry, even though I try not to show it.  Basically the goal when opening one of their cards is to hold back tears and not be a baby!  :)  I love them...all of them... 

Number 6...

Granny's piano.  I love it.  I love that it's in our house.  I love walking past it.  I love that it looks exactly as I remember it looking when I was younger AND I love that I have this picture above it...

Granny's piano makes me happy....And so does she, but we aren't doing people...REMEMBER!  :)

Well, that's my lower 5 things that I love.  Make sure you read my post tomorrow to find out what will be in the top 5.  And guess what?  I just told Baehr he has to do a top 10 too, so that will be pretty exciting since you never get to hear from him!  :) 

Happy Saturday from The Baehr Block!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The 4th for 4...

We had a very low key 4th this year, and I loved it!  My favorite days are days just sitting at home with my family, and that's exactly what we did.  Courtney texted around noon to plan dinner, and set our 4th celebrations for 5:30 pm.  Baehr made hamburgers, I made tea, and Courtney made potato salad, deviled eggs, beans, and bread pudding.  (She was a little more excited for the 4th than we were...can you tell? haha)  Mom and Dad were in Alabama visiting Grumpster so it was just the 4 of us... :)

After a great meal, we just hung out on the patio or on the couch while CAL played the Wii.  I thought it was a grand 4th of July...regardless of what Courtney says!  haha  


After Court and CAL left, Baehr and I decided to sit outside for fireworks.  The nice thing about our neighborhood is that the people around us do GREAT fireworks so all we have to do is sit in the backyard and watch!  :)  Here's the best one...

It was another great day on the Baehr Block.  Good food, family, and fireworks!  Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!