Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 28...

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

July 17, 2011
Me and mi cousin, Frank Michael

July 18, 2012
Henry (my second cousin) and me

How have I changed...well, let's see.  I would say that I have changed the most in 2012.  I set some New Year's resolutions and I have stuck with most of them.  I am learning to actively work on my relationship with the Lord.  It doesn't just happen through prayer at night.  I blog now.  I am content.  I was happy last year but I didn't know how to just be content when nothing was happening (good or bad), I can now and I love it.  I am so much happier focusing on the positive in life and not the negative.  I am learning to let go of people who bring me down.  Honesty is the best policy... even when it comes to RSVP's.  :)  I am trying to expand my horizons on food.  Baehr loves to explore new types of foods and I am trying to explore with him.  I am learning that for the most part if I am unhappy with a situation I can change it.  This year has really been a soul searching experience as far as who I am really and who I want to be.  I wonder where I will be in July of 2013!  :)

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