Monday, May 14, 2012

A Pre - Mother's Day ... Day ...

We had a GREAT weekend this weekend, but we were so busy I think I need another two days just to recover.  :) 

Baehr went to a friend's house to play poker on Friday night.  He does this about once a month, but had to skip last month because he was fighting off a cold/flu/sinus infection so he was ready to get back at it!  He came home with a WHOPPING $40!  Winner, winner....we had a BBQ dinner.  :)

Since Baehr was out and about CAL got to spend the night again.  He loves having movie nights at GiGi's but this time he had a movie night at school so I picked him up after that.  HOP was the movie of the night.  We rented that movie last weekend so he was pretty excited to get to watch it again.

I love having CAL spend the night, but I was so worried we would have a replay of last weekend.  I was going to have to be a mean Aunt and tell him to go back to bed for a little bit if we had another 6:15 am wake up call (especially because I don't sleep well when Baehr stays out late), but this is what I saw at 10:00 am when I went to check on him...

Snug as a bug in a rug...
Even Baehr went to check on him at 10:30 because he hadn't budged and he was still passed out.  He must have been one tired boy! 

We met Mom and Courtney for lunch at Jason's Deli, and then Courtney, Mom, and I decided to go for a MUCH needed pedicure.  We have so much fun being together and laughing...I am sure we entertain people where ever we go... this picture says it all ...

hahaha....I love mom's face and I am sure Courtney is telling me to stop taking pictures.
After pedicures we headed to Target for shop random shopping.  As a note to all people, don't go to Target with Courtney and Mom.  You don't get to go to the sections you want to go to, and they don't like the shoes you try on.  :)  Well, you probably shouldn't go to Target with the three of us.  We laughed the entired time and didn't get any shopping done.  Although now I know that rain boots are not one size fits all!  hahaha 

Hope you had a wonderful Pre - Mother's Day - Day!

From the patio on The Baehr Block,

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