Saturday, December 15, 2012

ReThink Life...

A few days ago I decided to get back to my devotionals.  I have really put this on the back burner for the last few months, and I am veering....well, the devil is pulling me off my path again.

I have found that since I found the path I want to be on earlier this year, I am much more aware of when I get off the path.  So...back to the path I go with the ReThink Life Devotional on YouVersion.

Day 1 had a prayer at the end of it...

I shared this with my mom and sister, but due to recent events, thought you should have it as well.  Stay on the path my friends, and remember that this world is not our home....we are just passing through.


1 comment:

  1. After you are done with this devotional... go check out

    They are awesome and they are connected with youversion too!


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